Smart Anything Everywhere features in the latest edition of the Hipeac magazine!
The 62nd edition of the magazine dedicated to the European network on high performance and embedded architecture presents the Smart Anything Everywhere initiative.

HiPEAC is a European network of almost 2,000 world-class computing systems researchers, industry representatives and students. It provides a platform for cross-disciplinary research collaboration, promotes the transformation of research results into products and services, and is an incubator for the next generation of world-class computer scientists.
The HiPEAC Info magazine is a quarterly publication providing the latest news on the activities within the European HiPEAC network, as well as activities on high-performance embedded architectures and compilers at large. The magazine is sent to more than 500 researchers from academia and industry, and company managers in Europe, America and Asia.
In its most recent edition the magazine has included a full feature on the Smart Anything Everywhere initiative, a scheme lead by the European Commission to ensure that European Industry can fully benefit from digital innovations to upgrade its products, improve its processes and adapt its business models to the digital age.
Find out more by reading the complete issue. SAE is presented on page 31!