DigiFed paper on “Experimentation of Cross-Border Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) Cooperation and Impact on SME services” presented at PRO-VE 2021
The DigiFed team have published a scientific paper on how Digital Innovation Hubs can support novel cross-boarder innovation mechanisms for SMEs across Europe and presented it at the PRO-VE 2021 conference in France.

As digital transformation imposes cultural changes in terms of how value is delivered, continual experimentation helps define the best solutions for key stakeholders. From a Digital Innovation Hub perspective, the hunt is on for the most impactful and financially sustainable services that can be customised according to the target group needs. In this context, DIHs also seek to meet the challenging task of fostering cross-border collaboration amongst themselves and between SMEs.
The paper entitled “Experimentation of Cross-Border Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) Cooperation and Impact on SME services” presented by DigiFed coordinator CEA-LETI /IRT Nanoelec at the PRO-VE 2021 conference held in Saint Etienne, France on 22-24th November, highlights the DigiFed approach, which relies on a network of 12 DIHs and Research Technology Organisations (RTOs) to design and experiment with novel innovation support mechanisms for SMEs across Europe. It illustrates the currently implemented cross-border cooperation instruments (Application Experiments, Digital Challenges and Generic Experiments) and their preliminary results and describes additional instruments under ongoing experimentation as well as elaborating on the potential to generalise these instruments for adoption by other DIH networks.
To find out all about the DigiFed approach, download the full paper HERE
About PRO-VE
In recent years, PRO-VE Conferences have introduced the notion of Collaborative networks 4.0 (CN4.0) as the new generation of collaborative networks, in the era of applied Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation. Meanwhile since last year, the world has encountered major health and economic crises caused by the Corona pandemic, emphasizing that disruptive situations, at different scales, tend to be increasingly frequent, while having strong impact in the society. Smart and digital technologies supporting agility, scalability, resilience, and adaptability, characterize CN 4.0. These properties have become critical features for most sectors of our modern societies, including manufacturing industry and services sectors. CN 4.0 can contribute to building a more resilient and sustainable world.