DigiFed General Assembly 2022 was held in Ljubljana
Last week, on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th of July 2022, DigiFed General Assembly was held in hybrid mode in Slovenia at the premises of the University of Ljubljana. Nineteen colleagues from France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Austria, Germany and Slovenia attended the meeting on site. The General Assembly was an opportunity for consortium members to meet, exchange, and move towards the project’s final steps.

A good spirit of cooperation contributed to the efficient and swift development of the project meeting, where partners reviewed the key findings of the project progress so far, the current status of each work package and the next steps to be taken, went through the intermediate reporting and assessed the possible risks until the end of the project.
Moreover, four Working Sessions have been organised on the topics of:
- Assessing the impact of DigiFed on SMEs and related proposals for improving the methodology;
- Sustainability of the DigiFed model;
- Gender integration (analysis of experiments on the topics of gender inclusion, lesson learnt, how to do better);
- Final Event brainstorming and discussions.
All participants actively contributed to the working sessions with fruitful ideas to improve the sustainability of the DigiFed partnership. Of particular importance was the workshop on gender equality, where partners compared their experiences during the project, shared the data available on this topic and discussed how to address this issue by the end of the project and step up efforts to increase women’s involvement in the development and management activities of innovative projects. The workshop on the final event was a good occasion to reevaluate the IOT Solutions World Congress, replicate its success and do even better, working on those aspects that can still be improved.