It has been widely recognised that the availability and fast upgrade of digital skills in European industry will be vital for the future of the European economy. European companies which do not grow and update their digital skills will not be able to fully take stock of future opportunities arising from advances in fields such as artificial intelligence, future networks and mixed reality.
Often, financial aid for companies looking to digitise their products and create innovative market-ready solutions is limited by the capacities of regional authorities and is focused on local actors, which can make it difficult for SMEs from two or more European countries wishing to collaborate on innovative projects.
The EU’s Digital Single Market strategy seeks to change this by fostering a European approach to digital transformation that empowers and includes every citizen, strengthening the potential of every business and meeting global challenges with EU core values.
Since 2015 the “Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative” – SAE – contributes to this vision by supporting SME and industry to become more competitive with regard to their business and production processes, products or services by adopting digital technologies.
DigiFed is one of the 16 EU funded H2020 projects under the umbrella of SAE and dedicated to supporting EU industries to digitalize their product & services and reach new markets enabled by Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) & Embedded Systems.
Are you a company looking to digitise your products and create market-ready solutions across Europe? DigiFed can help you!
To support you the DigiFed consortium gathers technology partners, Innovation management experts and Digital Innovation Hubs from 5 European Regions.
What is a Digital Innovation Hub?
Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) are a first regional point of contact (a “one-stop-shop”) to gain access to:
- Technology infrastructure with latest digital expertise.
- Business expertise and financing support across the value chain.
- Regional multi-partner cooperation (RTOs, universities, industry associations, chambers of commerce, incubator/accelerators, regional development agencies and even governments).
- Networks with service providers outside of their region supporting companies to access their services.