The main objective of DigiFed is to strengthen the European industry – in particular SMEs– through acceleration of digitalisation. To address such objective, DigiFed targets companies with different level of digital maturity with the intention to contribute to the digitalization of both their competences and offer of digital products and services.
To concretely address this challenging objective and help define related support, as part of the application process DigiFed is kindly asking you as Application Experiment applicant, Digital Challenge applicant, Generic Experiment participant or project implementer, to participate in the following questionnaire.
The questionnaire is composed of 20 questions encompassing digital strategy, leadership, performance management, innovative mindset, among others. The information collected will serve the DigiFed consortium to better understand our target group, how to address their needs and how to generate stronger impacts.
At the end of the questionnaire, you will have access to the final results and a diagnosis of your current digital maturity level according to the answers provided, which can help you to outline your digital strategy for the future.
Please proceed to the questionnaire via the following link:
Thank you for your participation,
The DigiFed Team