Why should you apply to EU Competitive Calls?
EU competitive calls offer highly attractive technical and financial support to start-ups, SMEs or mid-caps. General information on how to apply for funding your company can be found at https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/competitive-calls
Through these calls, you can benefit from digital innovation to
- Upgrade your products or services
- Improve your processes or
- Adapt your business model to the digital age
- Receiving technical and financial support for your digital innovation activities.
To identify the most pertinent calls for your company, you can contact:
- The Digital Innovation Hub closest to your location: HERE
- The National Contact point of your country (NCP services): https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/support/ncp
- Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) national/local representative: https://een.ec.europa.eu/
- Any of DigiFed Digital Innovation Hub partners:
- MINALOGIC in Auvergne-Rône-Alpes (France)
- Steinbeis in Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
- BME in Central Hungary (Hungary)
- University of Ljubljana and 4PDIH in Slovenia (Slovenia)
- Ikerlan in Basque Country (Spain)
- Digital Catapult (Digicat) in Northeast of England (UK)
Further information is available at https://digifed.org/about-test/team/
EU funding and innovation opportunities
Call for Action: Join DigitalSME Campaign to Make SEPs Work for SMEs | https://www.digitalsme.eu/call-for-action-making-seps-work-for-all-businesses/ |
DEP: Deployment of Capacities and Interoperability | https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/funding/european-digital-innovation-hubs |
EGNSS applications for Smart mobility (€ 9,500,000) | https://eucalls.net/users/login.php?dest=dashboard/call.php |
Innovative tools and business models (€ 8,883,198) | https://eucalls.net/users/login.php?dest=dashboard/call.php |
Blue careers for a sustainable blue economy (€ 1,000,000) | https://eucalls.net/users/login.php?dest=dashboard/call.php |
Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth SGA (€ 330,000) | https://eucalls.net/users/login.php?dest=dashboard/call.php |
Video games and immersive content development (€ 150,000) | https://eucalls.net/users/login.php?dest=dashboard/call.php |