Generic Experiment on Cybersecurity: Trust Platform for Digital Assets Management
GE OWNER: Ikerlan
GE Associated region: Basque Country and Hazitek programme
GE Trust Platform for Digital Assets management
Open Call closed 16/07/2021
10 European SME’s joined the GE Trust Platform for Digital Assets management
The GE community will be launched on November 2021 and the experiment will last until November 2022

GE Secure PF for IOT community

- Advanced Trust platform for the management of digital assets developed by IKERLAN to fulfill SMEs/MidCaps needs
- Common specifications defined with the group of selected SMES / Midcaps
- Group of selected companies from Europe and Spain – Basque Country region (HAZITEK programme)
- All selected companies will be invited to an interview with an IKERLAN Expert to explain their needs and use case

TECHNICAL FOCUS: Trust Platform for Digital Assets Management
The advent of IoT and blockchain has brought about new opportunities for carrying out more private and trusted transactions, which leave a scattered track of data in many devices instead of relying on a single centralised (and hackable) cloud.
IKERLAN is developing a blockchain-based digital platform for monitoring assets and transactions with a focus on Industry 4.0 applications. The final objective of this platform is to enable users develop trust on each other, unlocking new business alliances and opportunities. Besides this, the platform is expected to reduce operational and maintenance costs, increase robustness against cybersecurity threats and attacks, as well as provide data security, system transparency and support for audits and certification.
The proof-of-concept platform currently offers:
- Management of smart-contracts lifecycle.
- Asset monitoring, traceability and reporting:
- Real-time machine usage.
- Machine operating conditions.
- Production quality parameters.
The DigiFed Generic Experiment will be used as a vehicle to create a community of companies that aim to help develop the Trust platform further and shape it to fulfil their use case needs.