Individualised electric vehicle charging management
The project outcomes are new functionalities to the EV charger that allow
- individualized energy management system (EMS) based on the individual preferences of the EV owner along with the actual state of the local power grid (e.g. share of renewable energy),
- public sharing of any electric vehicle (EV) charger enabling to fulfil of different charging needs of the EV drivers (speed, price, time slots),
- cloud IDE allowing the user to personalize charging during the whole EV life cycle and real-time connection of the control unit to the AgeVolt Digital Platform
- allows the user who shares the EV charger to set charging parameters (price, performance, time slots, priorities), as well as to have monitoring statistics, reports, remote administration,
- possibility to use a private EV charger as an element providing support of the grid based on individual charging control,
- device updates over the years, which will ensure compliance with ever-evolving standards in the field of charging and communication with EVs.
Developed by AgeVolt (Slovakia) in collaboration with Teco (Czech Republic)
Supported by DigiFed Twin Application Experiment Programme, in partnership with BME (Hungary) & Blumorpho (France)
The major achievements of this project is the innovation of AgeVolts’ EV charging station. Two complementary Hardware components parts have been developed:
- Smart control unit (CP 5000)
- EV module (C-EV-2505M EV module) which was an addition to the original project scope
This will enable AgeVolt to offer individualised EV charging management at a lower cost and better value for money. Teco were able to innovate their control units’ production portfolio and create new revenue channel.
The collaboration between AgeVolt and Teco technical teams strengthened our current strategic partnership, pushed it on to a new quality level and brought innovations to the product lines of both partners.
We also collaborated with DigiFed partner – BME for laboratory testing and the thermal design of CP 5000 control unit. BME executed numerical simulations with industrial toolsets, thermal measurements according to the JEDEC standard JESD51, thermal imaging, hot spot analysis and experimental electronics cooling solutions within Reliable Thermal Design technical services.
Major achievements

These were the project’s three major achievements –
- Technical implementation of the solution
- Business opportunities; and
- Widened scope of applicability and solution customization
The project addresses two critical issues hindering the growth of e-mobility: fear of overloading the power grid during EV charging and low accessibility of EV chargers. Most EV charging stations lack an energy management system, and some solutions are not tailored to individual charging needs
The project deliverables, consisting of the new smart EV charger control unit CP 5000 and C-EV-2505M EV charging module, are prototypes of the smart and embedded EV charging solution, equipped with a personal energy management system, serving as a basic component of a EV charging station and featuring a user interface that enables personalization and sharing with the public.
It also allows Agevolt‘s EV charger production to be tailored to specific customer requirements, shortening the production and supply process and to reduce the production costs.
The target market for Agevolt’s comprehensive EV charging solutions, including the smart EV charger control unit, includes residential, commercial, and public entities, which will be reached through the sales channels of both partners.
Contact: Ján Zuštiak; Parag Gogate