Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (SEZ)
Advanced Technology:
Support market entry and internationalization by tailor-made partnership and stakeholder management
Sabine Hafner-Zimmermann
Fredy Ríos Silva
Support market entry and internationalization by tailor-made partnership and stakeholder management
Our services include:
- The preparation and initiation of strategic innovation partnerships
- Facilitating access to European and international markets
- Commercialisation of innovation and research results in Europe and beyond
Typical use cases
The continued globalisation of markets compels companies in innovative sectors to internationalise. This still confronts Small and Medium-sized enterprises with a massive challenge. Insecurity prevails due to deficits in information, cultural differences and financial risk in the high-tech sector often paired with the fear of sharing technological know-how.
Co-operations offer the great benefit of minimising risks and optimising outcomes as well as achieving competitive advantage by expanding one’s own networks and competences. Experience has shown that enterprises benefit greatly from an improved access to relevant networks to identify new strategic partnerships.
Thus, we can support you to identify relevant cooperation partners to:
- expand your range of products / services
- bring existing products / services into new areas/markets
- develop new markets with existing products/services
We work with you to identify and prioritise which of your products and services are strategically important for the further development of your enterprise. Together, we define tailor-made partner profiles for strategic co-operations.
We create a needs and industry specific cooperation partner catalogue with concrete proposals.
In addition, we also establish contacts with the desired cooperation partners by organising:
- bilateralcooperation meetings
- tailor-madeevents (e. g. innovation day, round table, brokerageetc)
Further information can be found at
Further contacts
Sabine Hafner-Zimmermann,
Fredy Ríos Silva,