DIGIFED Final Event

Day 1: 30/11/2022 “Digital Innovation Hubs across Europe”

The first day of the DigiFed Final Event was heavily focused on sharing, exchanging, and exploring concrete collaboration opportunities with the EU-DIH and -EDIH ecosystem. These activities were launched by Helena Rodrigues, PO of DG-CONNECT, involved in the EDIH and DTA initiatives, who provided an overview of the EDIH-network, purpose, and objectives of the DTA, results of the first EDIH-open call and objectives of the second call.

Afterward, nine (E)DIHs (POLYTRONICS, EDIH BRETAGNE, DIH4CAT, DIH·BIO, ARTES5.0, EDIH DIHNAMIC, 4PDIH, DIHNAMO, DIGITAL CATAPULT) presented their main objectives, services, and collaboration targets in a pitching session. This activity was followed by a matchmaking/speed dating session, in which (E)DIHs laid the grounds and discussed opportunities for collaboration in a 1×1 format. The day was closed by an interesting panel and intense Q&A session focused on identifying the main challenges for collaboration, requirements, and opportunities beyond Europe, particularly Africa, and expectations regarding the role and function of the DTA, among many others. The panel was constituted by Meike Reimann, Pierre-Damien Berger, and Patrik Schumacher.

All the (E)DIH-activities within the Final Event will be followed up by DigiFed in the coming months to further consolidate collaboration between DIHs and EDIHs at the event. The presentations of Day 1 “DIH across Europe” event are available under the relevant webpage of the Resource section.

Day 2: 01/12/2022 “Showcase your innovation: Digitising the industry”

The goal of the second day was dedicated to showcasing DigiFed supported SMEs and their innovative solutions. The showcasing day started with a presentation by Florent Genoux from the French Investment Bank (BPI France), introducing to the auditors, the French innovation policies and means to support reindustrialisation. Followed by the presentation of Isabelle Chartier on DigiFed’s main achievements, highlighting the successful outputs and main lessons for the SMEs.

After the informative sessions, it was time for the 65 participants from 20 nationalities to network and discover the 20 DigiFed’s companies and their innovative solutions (catalogue).

All the presentations of the Day 2 “Showcase your innovation” are available under the related webpage of the Resource section.