Effective cross-border collaborations are increasingly important to ensure that European Start-ups, SMEs and midcaps can benefit from worlclass product support and service innovation and remain at their competitive edge on a global market. For this reason, the DigiFed objectives can be summarised in 3 key points:
- Support companies in their digitization routes
- Enhance DIH offer and increase DIH collaboration
- Experiment new funding schemes to support European SMEs – Midcaps Digital transformation
The DigiFed consortium gathers Digital Innovation Hubs:
- Minalogic: Rhones Alpes Region- France
- Ikerlan Basque region: Spain, countries
- Digital Catapult: UK
- Steinbeis: Baden-Wurtemberg- Germany
All the DIH animate established ecosystems with a view to continue expanding and linking with other networks to create an EU-wide Federation of Digital Innovation Hubs that can offer sustainable cross-border services and partnerships between:
- European companies: Start-ups, SMEs and Midcaps, large enterprises
- Universities and Research Technology Organization (RTOs)
- Public bodies
- Technology partners, both University, RTO and industrial: CEA, STM, BME, AVL, UJL, Ikerlan, DGC
- Innovation management partner: Blumorpho
DigiFed partnerships are designed to strengthen a European high-tech ecosystem through the adoption of advanced digital technologies (CPS) and a combination of Regional, National and European funding instruments so that companies and in particular SMEs can benefit from knowledge sharing regardless of their location.
Thanks to DigiFed open calls, 47 projects involving 75 companies are supported and receive funding, maximising value from EU investments.