DigiFed Webinar Series on Open Call 2 – download

In view of DigiFed’s second Open Call to be launched on the 22nd September 2020, DigiFed is hosting a new series of webinars with updated information on how to participate.
In this series of four meetings you will be given information on the following DigiFed funding opportunities: “Application Experiments” and “Digital Challenges”.
In the first meeting you will learn:
- Who can access the European grant?
- How to apply?
- Who are the partners?
- What is in it for you?
- Q&A to ask your questions directly to the project’s coordination team.
In the second session you will learn about a new innovation process: the “digital challenge”.
Finally, DigiFed will host two technical web meetings to learn about the technologies made available for you in the frame of DigiFed.
Download the materials from the different sessions in the links below:
Digifed Open Call 2: Digitising Europe’s industry together
Video: https://youtu.be/GWBNxKrVyAI
Download: Digifed-OC2-Digitising-Europes-industry-together.pdf
Digifed Open Call 2: The digital Challenge
Video: https://youtu.be/exUe8SsGBJg
Download: Digifed-OC2-Digital-challenge.pdf
Digifed Open Call 2: Technical offer part 1
Video: https://youtu.be/eI71VigOnxE
Download: DigiFed-OC2-technical-offer-part-1.pdf
Digifed Open Call 2: Technical offer part 2
Video: https://youtu.be/K-zDuXCQA4g
Download: DigiFed-OC2-technical-offer-part-2.pdf
About DigiFed
DigiFed is a new innovation action, supported by the Horizon 2020 programme, aiming to accelerate the adoption of Cyberphysical Systems (CPS) by European SMEs. It seeks to showcase the potential of digital CPS technologies in terms of physical security, human-machine interaction, and autonomy for SMEs.