New Generic Experiment communities now open!
In the framework of DigiFed’s open calls for Generic Experiment communities, IKERLAN, the University of Ljubljana and BME open calls related to Industrial Cybersecurity, IoT Prototyping in Agriculture and Energy-efficient lighting.

DigiFed Generic Experiments Communities (GEC) are designed to test new collaborations between research centres and SMEs and Mid-Caps as well as develop new co-financing mechanisms between European and regional funding to foster European industry digitalization.
The objective of the Generic Experiment is to build communities of SMEs and Mid-Caps around a specific technical topic (GEC Topic) proposed by a DigiFed research centre (the GEC Owner).
GE Communities are expected to involve a group of about 10 European companies together with the experts from the relevant research centre.
Back in December 2020 CEA opened the community on “Cybersecurity trusted IoT Platform”. The new community topics launched today and led by IKERLAN in collaboration with the Basque Country and Hazitek programme is on “Industrial Cybersecurity: Trust platform for Digital Assests Management” and “IoT in Agriculture” led by University of Ljubljana, collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture, forestry and food’s sub-measure 16.5 call.
Tomorrow – 1st April, BME will launch the community on “Energy-efficient lighting” in collaboration with Innomine.
For more information about these calls please visit the relevant pages on the website at